There are hundreds of different types of electronics and technology that business and organizations should be recycling. These range from the familiar computer, laptop and cell phones, to the not so familiar: UPS backup, network switches, docking stations, and all manner of electronic peripherals.
Welcome to eRecycle TC
eRecycle TC is a local company based in Traverse City. We collect and properly recycle old and unused electronics, computers and technology from businesses and organizations, large and small, throughout Northern Michigan. Hard drive degaussing and destruction, mobile at your site or in-house at ours, complement the full service mix.
We work with RIOS (Recycling Industry Operating Standards) and R2* certified companies to ensure ewaste is environmentally and responsibly recycled or reused.
Our coverage area is a 150-mile radius from Traverse City: as far north as Sault Ste Marie, east to Alpena, and south to Grand Rapids.
*The Responsible Recycling Practices Standard (R2) certification, which is recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is a set of voluntary principles and guidelines designed to promote an assess responsible practices for electronic recyclers. Please click this link to visit their website.